Citizen's income and benefit communities: Who belongs?

18 February 2025

The Citizen's Income serves to secure the livelihood of people in need of assistance and their dependants. But what exactly does "community of need" mean and what impact does it have on the amount of benefit?

What is a community of needs?

A benefit community consists of people who live together and are financially responsible for each other. Their income and assets are taken into account jointly when calculating the citizen's allowance.

Who belongs to the community of need?

According to Social Security Code II (SGB II) are included:
Employable beneficiarieswho can receive citizen's income
Partner (marriage, cohabitation or marriage-like relationship)
Unmarried children under 25who live in the household and do not provide for their own living expenses

Difference: Community of need vs. household community

Not every flat-sharing community is a community of needs. In a household community people live together but do not assume financial responsibility for each other. In this case, the income of the flatmates is not taken into account.

When does the job centre assume a community of need?

The job centre assumes a community of need if:
✔ Partner living together for more than one year
✔ There is one child in common
✔ Partners support each other financially

This assumption can be refuted if it can be proven that everyone runs their household separately.

How does the benefit community influence the amount of benefit?

The Citizen's Income standard rates vary depending on the type of household:

Community of need (couples)
Partner 1: 451 €
Partner 2: 451 €
Total: 902 €

Household community (single persons)
Person 1: 502 €
Person 2: 502 €
Total: 1004 €

In addition there are Additional requirements for pregnancy, disability or special diet.

Who is not part of the benefit community?

❌ Children over the age of 25
❌ Adult children with their own income or family
❌ Grandparents, foster children, siblings without parents
❌ Members of a shared flat (WG)

Special case: Temporary community of needs

If a child regularly lives with a parent who is separated and receives citizen's allowance, the parent can receive benefits for the child on a pro rata basis.

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